We measure Australia’s residential embodied carbon.

So organisations can understand their emissions.

Mandatory ESG reporting is coming.

Good business depends on good data.

Who we work with:

CarbonTrace is a digital platform, designed specifically for the residential sector.

We instantly convert a ‘NatHERS’ energy certificate into an embodied carbon analysis, using powerful AI and proprietory algorithms.

  • Frictionless data gathering

  • Nationally consistent carbon measurement

  • Optimise performance before construction

Australian Residential Benchmark

Through a license agreement with CSIRO, CarbonTrace has converted over 1 million NatHERS certificates.

Compare the performance of a single home against a benchmark made up of 1 million homes.

Companies can use CarbonTrace to seamlessly convert their portfolio into comparable carbon data.


Develop company emissions ‘starting point’

Output audit ready reporting


Discover reductions and set targets


Company software to revolutionalise carbon reporting.

Seamlessly measure, track and compare the embodied carbon of houses against industry benchmarks and company targets.

This is built for scope 3 reporting requirements.

Why CarbonTrace?

Carbon reporting is difficult for residential houses at scale.

Carbontrace is for progressive companies that are looking to meet future ESG commitments.

We saw a need for an easy-to-use tool which can be used by ‘non-sustainability experts’ to inform early design decisions and discover pragmatic carbon reduction pathways.

How are we different?

  • Quick and easy

  • Consistent method of measurement

  • Australia's largest dataset of over 1 million houses

Developed by a Builder and an Engineer, CarbonTrace tackles upfront carbon from the coal-face, not the office chair.

We work with industry experts to validate our analysis.

Calculating embodied carbon in residential used to be in the too-hard-basket.

We have taken it out.

Start your journey.